Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clear up some things,

I'll need clear some things up about that long rant I had which led to
suicide before I get bashed and have people on my tail trying to kill

-i'll clear it up as soon as I get home from eating-


Now back, I guess since I am too lazy to explain myself, I will just copy and paste a conversation I had with a someone who I guess, took offense to my post. And I guess I explain myself a bit more in it kind of ish... ^^;; Sorry, if I offended any of you people. You can tell me to take the conversation off if you'd like too! I'll censor your screen name for privacy~

I just made the font bigger on the points I think are most important.

Please excuse me for my poor spelling. I am not much of a great speller when I am using an "instant messaging" program. ^^;;

x (7:31:45 PM): You don't like suicidal people? O-o
me (7:32:06 PM): It's not that i don't like suicidal PEOPLE
me(7:32:20 PM): I hate them for thinking of suicide as their only option.
x (7:32:31 PM): Well, don't hate them. Try and find them another option?
me(7:32:38 PM): that's what I wrote.
x(7:32:59 PM): When people want to kill themselves, it's not like, "Oh, I'm sad. I'll go shoot myself in the head." They think and their thinking makes them depressed.
x (7:33:05 PM): It's not as easy as curing a cold.
me(7:33:12 PM): Obviously.
me(7:33:22 PM): I know it's not as easy as it sounds.
me(7:33:40 PM): thus me emphasizing it.
me(7:33:48 PM): it's also not impossible.
me(7:33:55 PM): hard yes, but not impossible.
x (7:36:07 PM): During that period of time of trying to make yourself not suicidal, you're still suicidal and still miserable. I can understand why people kill themselves due to misery. They don't want to continue living because they think, "What's the point in living like this if all I do is just hate myself and the world?" They're not stupid people. They get blinded by their suffering so they don't see other options. There are people who are suicidal for years but still find no redemption. If someone's been looking for an answer that long, I'm pretty sure they'd want to off themselves, considering that they've been perpetually miserable.
x(7:36:13 PM): ... oh god, wall of text x_X
me(7:36:48 PM): Well then,
me(7:36:53 PM): I guess those kinds of people.
me(7:36:56 PM): Will die then.
me(7:37:00 PM): I can't really help.
x (7:37:03 PM): Everyone's going to die.
me(7:37:10 PM): Obviously.
x(7:37:11 PM): We'll all end up buried like each other.
me(7:37:20 PM): But it's all about the time.
me(7:37:23 PM): and the reason.
x(7:37:30 PM): it doesn't affect the world when or where you die.
me(7:37:35 PM): it affects
me(7:37:37 PM): those around you
me(7:37:42 PM): suicide
me(7:37:49 PM): can be one of the
me(7:37:54 PM): most selfish things you can do.
me(7:37:58 PM): the aftermath of it all
me(7:38:01 PM): towards the people around you
me(7:38:05 PM): the peopel that care
me(7:38:08 PM): unless of course
me(7:38:12 PM): they have no one that care about them.

x (7:38:17 PM): If you're already depressed, I'm pretty damn sure the people that care are worried about you and sad themselves.
me(7:38:23 PM): NO,
me(7:38:24 PM): no**
me(7:38:27 PM): sorry for the caps
me(7:38:29 PM): people,
x (7:38:31 PM): This is... me, pessmistic Shii talking though.
me(7:38:36 PM): hide their feelings.
me(7:38:47 PM): not all of them wear their emotions on their sleeves.
me(7:38:52 PM): it's not like that all the time.
x (7:38:55 PM): Not all hide it inside.
me(7:39:00 PM): I know people.
x (7:39:06 PM): So do I ._.
me(7:39:08 PM): they are very deceiving.
me(7:39:47 PM): You never know about until, it blows up into your face
x (7:39:51 PM): Increased irritablity, lack of sleep or too much sleep, no care for appearance, go to work or school late, usually things that are a product of depression though.
x (7:39:57 PM): Fatigue, too.
me(7:40:09 PM): yeah but not everyone's the same.
x (7:40:22 PM): Of course not -____-;;; I know that XD
me(7:40:35 PM): Yeah.
me(7:40:38 PM): And it's freaking
me(7:40:39 PM): scary.
me(7:40:43 PM): knowing that
x (7:40:43 PM): Dying?
me(7:40:46 PM): someone very close to you
me(7:40:52 PM): is thinking like that.
me(7:40:57 PM): very scary.
x(7:40:58 PM): Of course ._.
me(7:41:21 PM): And so it makes me mad.
me(7:41:26 PM): I can't believe they could think like this.
me(7:41:45 PM): there are other options.
x (7:41:47 PM): I don't blame people who kill themselves... if... they did, I'd be sad and stuff, but it's their life and their choice. You can't call them stupid ._.
me(7:41:57 PM): I don't call them stupid.
x (7:42:02 PM): Ignorant?
me(7:42:06 PM): but ridiculous and selfish.
me(7:42:07 PM): yes.
me(7:42:11 PM): ignorant.

x (7:42:19 PM): Isn't it already selfish living?
me(7:42:33 PM): i dont think it is.
me(7:42:37 PM): selfish to live.
me(7:42:46 PM): why do you think so?
x (7:42:54 PM): I mean, from a envirementalist's perspective, when you live, you consume Earth's materials and pollute it.
x (7:43:00 PM): We're going to probably die of over population.
me(7:43:14 PM): Then it's our fault.
me(7:43:20 PM): Why were we put on this Earth then?
x (7:43:25 PM): If you do the math, at this rate of reproduction, we're going to have 22 billion people on the earth almost by 2100.
me(7:43:28 PM): if it is selfish to live
x (7:43:29 PM): We weren't put on it.
me(7:43:34 PM): must we all just kill ourselves then?
x (7:43:39 PM): nope.
x(7:43:45 PM): Stop adding to the gene pool.
x (7:43:46 PM): Have less kids.
x (7:43:50 PM): Stop eating so much food.
x (7:43:56 PM): Don't use too many resources ._.
me(7:44:03 PM): True.
me(7:44:07 PM): But some peopel don't listen.
me(7:44:09 PM): or care.
x (7:44:12 PM): Most people don't listen.
x (7:44:27 PM): Those people think that WE HUMANS as HUMANS have the privilage to destroy a planet.
me(7:44:33 PM): It's true humans are selfish and all.
me(7:44:37 PM): but there should be a limit.
x(7:44:49 PM): Why are we so much more "superior" than any other animal? I hope we die out soon, so another species can take over.
me(7:45:03 PM): What if another species doesnt take over?
me(7:45:08 PM): I don't hope we die out.
x (7:45:09 PM): Then what do we care?
x (7:45:10 PM): We're dead.
me(7:45:11 PM): i hope we can change.
x (7:45:26 PM): Then that means we should let natural selection take place on it's own.
x (7:45:34 PM): If someone's dying, let them die.
x (7:45:43 PM): Make people who want children take a test and have a license to have kids.
x (7:45:48 PM): Make less stupid people in the world.
me(7:45:51 PM): That's easy to say.
x (7:46:01 PM): Of course -__-;
me(7:46:04 PM): I disagree with the dying let them die part.
me(7:46:08 PM): Highly disagree.
me(7:46:13 PM): That's easy to say.
x (7:46:17 PM): Well, then you're a much better person than me.
me(7:46:19 PM): no.
me(7:46:21 PM): I'm not.
x (7:46:24 PM): Yes you are.
me(7:46:26 PM): we just have different
x (7:46:27 PM): I don't care if people die.
x (7:46:28 PM): You do.
me(7:46:29 PM): views on things.
me(7:46:35 PM): Preferences.
x (7:46:43 PM): I have a tendency to have different views on topics like this.... from everyone XD
me(7:46:49 PM): I respect your opinions.
x (7:46:59 PM): I respect your's too :-D
me(7:47:04 PM): ^^;
me(7:47:08 PM): But yes.
x(7:47:33 PM): Meh. We're human. In depression, we thrive.
x (7:48:03 PM): a perfect world where everyone's happy can't work/
x (7:48:13 PM): If no one was sad, then there'd be no happiness to speak of.
me(7:48:35 PM): True.
me(7:48:44 PM): I said happier.
me(7:48:49 PM): Not perfect happiness.
x (7:48:49 PM): ... oh shit, right XD
me(7:48:53 PM): I dont think there would ever be
x (7:48:54 PM): I NEED TO READ BETTER D:
me(7:48:54 PM): world peace.
me(7:48:58 PM): that's bs.
me(7:49:00 PM): >_<:
me(7:49:08 PM): although it would be nice.
x (7:49:16 PM): BTW, this is really OT, but do you know how to make bulgogi? :-D
me(7:49:18 PM): the idea is nice.
me(7:49:20 PM): O_O
me(7:49:22 PM): LOLWTF
me(7:49:23 PM): HAHAAH
me(7:49:26 PM): uhhh
me(7:49:31 PM): bulkogi?

Totally OT after wards but it's all good.



º∆ said...

I really do admire you and your friend there. Way to go.