Monday, August 11, 2008


Yeah, technically it would be yesterday since it's 1:01AM.

Yesterday, I didn't get to talk to my baby boo all day long. My phone
ran out of batteries and I didn't bring my charger with me. This is what
happens when I sleep over someone's house without notice. ><;

I miss your voice...T__T I forgot what it sounds like in real life! But
when I heard you on the phone~ Wow ~ ~

I'm too intimidated to talk to you on the phone. I felt like a shy
little girl that's too afraid to talk to the boy she likes, that moment
I heard your voice on the phone. I haven't felt like this in such a long
long while.... I FELT LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!

Uwahhh I miss you so much!

But no worries!
We'll soon be reunited! ^__^

I love you!<3

In other news:

I am finding that my head is behaving strangely. It is taking me a
longer while to be able to identify people. Or maybe, it's just because
I haven't seen them in a while. But then I have known them for so long.
I keep on thinking and mistaking my friends as strangers and it'd take
me a minute for the realization to hit me. & that is not normal at all.
It shouldn't even take any time for any realization to come because you
are suppose to automatically know that it is them.

Sigh.... What is going on with my head?

Also, my teeth... They are hurting.
Something's wrong with my gums or something. It hurts to brush my teeth.
I don't think it's gingivitis because I freaking floss my teeth. Unlike,
some people....

My wisdom teeth on the bottom right side is coming in. I think all of my
other wisdom teeth grew in already. But boy, it hurts for this one to
come out. I want to take out all of my wisdom teeth. Like, soon. Before
I go to school or something, so I don't have to walk around school
looking like a swollen chipmunk.

I shall end this post for now. I am getting really sleepy. And I told
Alex that I would be sleeping when he sleeps!