Friday, August 8, 2008

The Little Rascals

"You only meet your once in a lifetime friends... once in a lifetime. "

I have a high reverence towards child actors.
I mean like, how do they do it?
You have to be an ultra goodie little liar or in other words "pretender" in the acting business!!!
And that is hard and SERIOUS business.

Some are just natural born liars err pretenders aren't they?
It comes so easily to them. It's so INTRIGUING!
Smart teenybopper young'ins, yes they areee!!!

Also, in my opinion movies targeted for children have one of the best jokes ever.
Jokes they don't get till they finally re-watch the movie 10 years later.
Or atleast that's how it works for me!
I find so many secretive messages and puns once I watch all of these movies over again!

The Little Rascals and movies that are similar always made me want to live in a suburb like neighborhood like theirs! Where everyone knows each other and can all have little deliquent adventures together! Your home is my home type thing. The environment seems a lot more friendly, cozy, and warm! But I guess....maybe that's just in the movies. Right? Or not. I don't know because I don't know anybody from the subarbs! We live in a metropolitan right? I think that is the word for it... But yes!

I told my mother about this and she said that if we lived in an apartment it would be something of the sort like that. And also that back in her home country it was like that. Everyone lived next to each other and kids would all just go out and play around with each other! Your best friend would be just a few steps away from your house. ISN'T THAT JUST AWESOME?!? I think it is.

But yes, I finished watching this movie about an hour+ ago. IT WAS SO GOOD.
Very replenishing. I had many Laugh Out Loud moments.

Now I am addicted to the song, another favorite song to be covered:

"You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby"

Michael Buble's version is wonderful! (I didn't know he covered so many good songs.. (o_o) )
& so are Bobby Darrin's and Dr. John's covers!!

woahhhh you know, you know, you know, you must have beeen a beautiful babyyyy