Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Scary Imagination...

I cannot sleep, I think it's because I just ate two slices of cantelope
and it makes me feel wide and awake.

I am not sure if this is normal or not. But I have the scariest
imagination. I am too frightened to look down the stairs whenever I pass
it as I walk back and forth in the hallways in the middle of the night
while everyone's asleep. I keep thinking that if I look downstairs I
will see something quickly walk around down there. And then if I stare
it will crawl up the stairs and get me. So I always turn on the lights
in my bathroom and room everytime I cross the hallway. Hoping that it
won't get me since the lights are on.

I also have this habit that I am trying to get rid of. I keep on
imagining and thinking up the worst case scenarios that could happen in
every situation. (Does that make sense?) Which makes me scared of taking
risks and living life to the fullest. My friend told me that this summer
was suppose to be "cherry popping things new things you haven't done".
*glares*(Not what you're thinking) And I am trying my best to do that.
But it is kind of hard with all of these negative scenarios playing in
my head about all the things that could go wrong. For example, today I
decided to walk along the train tracks near Bella Terra and asked if
Ngoc she would like to do so. While I was walking down the tracks this
is what I was starting to think. Yes, I know "what are the chances of it
going to happen? Blahblahblah".

-The train comes and we didn't notice it coming sooner before it was too
late and we would scramble off the tracks but tumble in the midst of it
all and get stuck in the tracks and get run over by the rapid fast train
that wouldn't be able to brake in time.

-Some drunk guy/guys will come out and try to throw broken glass beer
bottles at us. (I saw broken beer bottles all over the tracks)

-The police would pass by and catch us on the train tracks and fine us a
huge amount of money or have us call our parents and having myself
grounded in the house for the rest of the summer, possibly longer.

-Being kidnapped, killed, and never found. Since it was so empty and
deserted along the long tracks. There was also a suspicious creepy
looking alley like place that was off tracks.

Yeah, I know. I worry too much right? But I just can't help it. Better
safe than sorry? I guess.

But still, it's also very bothersome and stressful but at the same time
useful (kind of). I guess, I shouldn't think about it too much, but at
the same time I shouldn't be foolish and go around doing dangerous
activities without a thought.



Remember, "manifestation".