Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Broken Ring,

I broke some rich person's engagement or wedding ring on accident. Then this other person, (I think we became friends or something) broke one of the other rings. If I am to remember correctly the rings belonged to that person's family.)

I think that person was suicidal or something, I don't even remember if that person was a boy or girl. The person was androgynous looking... I am still really confused right now. It's like anime all over again. Now that I think about it, that person looks kind of like "Mello"(from Death Note). Cept more friendly looking and not as creepy as Mello. But anyway, this person was really hated, no one really liked this person. A hated little rich kid with no friends. Typical, "the hated rich kids" only exists in the movies. In reality people would swarm over rich kids, suck up to them no matter what, and try to befriend them because of all of their money. Thinking they could use the person to their own advantages. Dispicable.

Anyway, it was a green and red ring.
I never got to look at the red ring but I was holding and scrutinizing the green ring. It was not like any "normal" kind of ring. It looked like it was made out of some really expensive potpourri or something. I am not sure, but it smelled of delectable citrus. There were emeralds inside the ring but I was counting them and it seemed like it was missing one more stone. Because the emerald placings didn't look so even. Then all of a sudden I somehow broke it.

That person just broke the red ring in half and started to stare at the pile of broken pieces from the rings. People from the household were starting arriving at the house. It was the servants and maids of the household so we didn't really have anything to worry about. As that person was staring at the pile of dust. We thought of leaving right away to avoid trouble and hope they wouldn't find our fingerprints on it. But I was too worried so I turned back and swept all of the evidence with some gravel into what looked like a kitty litter box. (There was no kitty ""litter"" in that box at the time. So it was all good and clean.) I swiftly picked up the box and started to walk calmly out the door with the box in my hands. That person was walking with me and I felt that someone was behind us and I was right, it was two quarreling bicyclists. They almost gave me a heart attack because I thought I was going to be caught red handed and turned in. But then again maybe it looked like I am not doing anything suspicious, only dumping the kitty litter box. I mean seriously, why would any person SUSPECT ME?? I am glad I have that kind of advantage.

Well anyway, we walked for a bit into an empty looking parking lot and turned a corner and saw a HUGE pile of sizzling hot black coal. There were people working on it, I wasn't sure what exactly they were "working on" but anyway. I ran into the middle of the pile where the coals were spread away and left a bit of empty ground space. I dumped everything out of the kitty litter box and I started to cover it all by kicking and dumping the coal all over. No one would ever find it, unless of course the coal workers were asked if they saw some weird girl pour some weird stuff into the pile of coal. But I highly doubt that would happen.

For some reason an empty cereal box happened to fly in from out of no where, that was called "Blue Pex" or something. One of the workers caught it and read it. I am guessing this cereal box had something to do with me because I remember panicking in my mind when the worker caught it.

Then all of a sudden Alice came out of nowhere. Typical, popping up out of nowhere, wherever there are a whole bunch of boys. As boy obsessed Alice popped out of nowhere, she went over to the one she thought looked best and started talking to him. I went with her and she started talking non-stop and I was just waiting there for her, wondering why a prissy looking kid like him, be working at a dirty and sweaty coal job like this. While Alice was jabbering away he took out some paper and then I somehow recognized him, he was some popular musician person or something?? I don't know and I don't care.

I think afterwhile I just left to go back to the household. (I am seriously wondering where exactly "that person" went when Alice popped up out of nowhere.) I went inside being very cautious, not wanting to cause any ruckus or forming any kinds of suspicions. I was expecting a huge commotion about the missing rings but I came back and everything was normal and quiet. I wandered into the kitchen and I saw Hitler, yes people, I saw Hitler. Everyone was having a casual conversation and talking normally.

I was thinking to myself, will they ever find out about it? Will they ever find that me and that person were the culprits? I guess I was thinking and worrying too much. But as I would like to say it, better safe than sorry!

I went upstairs and sat on the chair. I just sat there and then I noticed that all of the windows were open. It was raining kind of hard. I stood up and reached for the windows that were located all the way on the top of the wall and closed them shut.

Then I woke up. Or atleast I can't remember anything else from the dream.

Is THIS what I get when I sleep hoping to have a dream with Alex and myself in it? T__T;;