Monday, August 11, 2008

Chirping Birds

So today, I woke up to the sounds of chirping birds.

Artificial chirping birds. It was from my alarm clock.
I forgot that I set my clock to 8AM everyday. I meant it for only that one day on Saturday but I guess I selected the "continuous everyday cycle". I got kind of ticked off because I was having a really weird and interesting dream. So I grudgingly slapped the "x" button on my sidekick for the alarm to turn off.

I went back to sleep.

Then I woke up and I watched "welcome to the NHK".
Yes, it takes me such a long time to finish watching but HEY! Atleast I am actually FINISHING it.I am on the second to last episode. It was getting really good!

But then I got interrupted and had to stop watching because Choi told me to play online pictionary with her. It was fun, I wanted to stir up drama and piss people off but no, the people are so boring on there. So Choi told me to come back when the regs come online at night or something. Time to cause a ruckus.

Maybe I should go on Gaia right now and troll on the emo & scene n00blets. It's fun pissing them off and picking on them. WOOO. LOL I have HATERS & LOVERS in the general discussions of Gaia, and the most funniest ones are the ones that get ULTRA PISSED OFF and start cussing to no end. It makes me.........LOL.

The troll wins once you get pissed.

I swear, people are so easily offended and get so worked up on the internet.
SHEESH, it's ONLY the internet. Go get a life you n33tlosers.

Oh the internet. Amusing.

Note to Self: Mumsy's homestyle chicken noodle soup really helps my voice.