Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome to the NHK!,

(Ignore that part where it says in the picture, it's suppose to be N-H-K.)


I just finished watching this series today!!( An hour or less ago, to be more specific.)

I think this series was so, GOOD! I never thought that I would actually learn so much from watching an anime or cartoon. I learned quite a lot. The plot was very unique and different. This is so good that I am trying to get other people to watch it. And I don't usually do that.

Finally a show that had actually caught and grasped my attention long enough for me to actually find and dedicate the the time to finish it! Because normally I would just watch 1 or 2 episodes of something and then totally forget about it.

Come on people! If you guys ever have the time, I really recommend watching this series!

There is a lot of meaning and morals in this story that is worth learning.
I recommend it towards those suicidal individuals.
It had definately lit up my day and mind.