Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I find it a bit awkward knowing that my boyfriend is reading every single future blog post of mine.
Stalker Creeeeeeeper!


I get to read his also.

Which probably makes me a stalker creeper...... _( >_>)_

My future thoughts and everything....

This is going to be quite interesting. THIS IS WEIRD!
I hope I don't write anything weird or embarrassing unconsciously.
I still can't get over that fact that you're going to be READING THIS!

*stares blankly*

So anyway,I am going to pretend that YOU are not going to be reading this and blog normally.
Hopefully when I look back at this 2 years from now I won't be pissed at how immature and annoying I sound. I just noticed that I use the "Enter" button frequently. It's kind of ticking me off..... o_o;; BUT I SHALL IGNORE IT AND TYPE ON AND ON~

If you haven't noticed I like to rant on and on about different things.

I wonder if you'd get to know me better if you read these posts of mine.


Too many spaces and lines!! @__@

Enough of this nonsense! There is a window that keeps on popping up that says I might be a victim of using conterfeit windows software. >_> And it's true. Because my cousin gave me this pirated disc to install "Windows Vista Ultimate" or whatever it's called. To reformat and update my computer. Which means everything my computer was wiped clean. It's nice to save everything in my external harddrive. HURRAH FOR MY 500 GB EXT. ~(*o*)~ It's so sexy.

And now to finish seeding all of the anime I dl'd and export it to my external. So it can stop hogging all of my hardrive's memory and where I can keep it FOREVER!!

I am currently watching (NHKにようこそ!) Welcome to the NHK!
Very funny. It makes me happy because I get to laugh out loud. And I like to laugh out loud.
ひきこもりがおもしろい~ I recommend it towards morbid I hate the real world otaku nerds who only stay on the computer and watch anime or porn all day. Anyways, it's about a hikikomori who tries to grow out of his hikikomori ways to prove a girl who is trying to help him that he's not a hikikomori failure. It's absolutely hilarious what the characters do in the show.

Anyway, to define a hikikomori. It is a person who makes themselves outcasts to the world and society. They have probably been traumatized in some severe way as to stay in their house/shelter all day. They can hide in their houses for YEARS without coming out. In NHK the reason Satou is afraid of the outside world is because he happened to be walking to school one day and then he starts hallucinating and thinking that all the people around are laughing and ridiculing him. So he go extremely frightened and embarassed and ran all the way back to his apartment and hides in there for almost 3 years. Until one day....

You'd have to watch it to find out.

ANYWAY, I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT "BREAKING DAWN". I was in dire need of reading this book to the point where I had the urge to bus it all the way to Bella Terra jsut to buy it. I could not wait 5 hours+ for someone to come home and give me a ride to Barnes and Noble. I also bought this OTHER book that really caught my eye. ^^; As I arrived and saw the pile of Breaking Dawn books I RAPIDLY SEARCHED FOR A BOOK THAT WAS IN PERFECT CONDITION. Because I dislike my precious books with dents, rips, folds, or any type of damage or defect on them. ^^ I finally found the perfect one after a couple of minutes.

I read a bit of the book but I kept on getting distracted so I gave up and I guess now I'll just stay up very late and read it. Since I like to read my books in a nice and quiet enviornment with the suitable theme background music to the story. I sometimes wish I could get myself locked up in solitary confinement with only books in my presence for a whole day or maybe week to get all my reading done. So many books, so little time. I'm so sad. T~T;

プルプルリン プルリン プルプルプルリン プルプルリン!!

Alex Darling, next time I see you I am going to sing this song to you. You will love it. ケケケケケ!This song has been stuck in my head all day and I cannot stop singing it. This song is on repeat on my iTunes it is going to drive me somewhat loopy someday.

BUT THAT IS OKAY! The song makes me happy.

I guess that is it for now~ I am getting a bit tired! ^^;