Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Extra Positivity,

I'm feeling this.

I feel so good, giddy, and positive!

I feel like I can accomplish anything I put my mind to! It feels nice, oh so very nice. I wonder what sparked this?

Well, I went to B&N to buy "The Scarlet Letter" and I went to the self help section. (Yes, I absolutely adore that section. It has lots of interesting books in it actually.)
To find some confidence/self esteem boosting book. I found two good ones! I was debating on which one to get, they both seemed really entertaining... In the end, I chose the sarcastic funny one!

Did I ever mention that I love sarcastic and funny things/people.

They're very entertaining, I have to say.

Anyway, the book I got was, "How to be a complete and utter FAILURE in LIFE, WORK, & EVERYTHING" by Steve McDermott.

I read some of it and wow, I like the style of it. EXCELLENTÉ! It will keep me entertained and not bored and sleepy. Lyke Srsly.

I'll probably report back with a review of the book once I finish it. Well, I'd only post a review if it was REALLY good.
A random thought, I always wondered who is behind the dramatic narrator voice in those dramatic movie trailers.

Which also reminds me, I want to try out for voice acting. I would absolutely ace at that. Totally. 100%. Pho Sho Fizzle Dee Doo.
Which ALSO REMINDS ME, I think
And also,
Family Guy & American Dad has the best jokes ever. But most people don't really get them...
I think that I have my college major down. Psychology? Perhaps. My minds still open. And of course, I will also have other things on the side of course. THIS IS EXCITING!!!
In other good news,

Gas prices are decreasing guys!
Perhaps our currency value is increasing? Or was it supposedly because of some new rule for not overpricing? (Heard that from my mother.) It's currently in the late $3.00's.