Friday, February 27, 2009

Acing It,

I had the biggest burst of ambition these past few days. Well, it
actually started yesterday after some kid told me the Transcendentalist
project was worth 500 points. Which is about 1/3 or our whole grade this
semester. Yeah I know. DANG.

That was a total mental slap in the face. I was slacking off that
project. But now I am going to get myself all caught up this weekend.
Tomorrow, I will go to the library and work on the Transcendentalist
project and Cold War Project.

I shall get a huge amount done. Perhaps maybe all of it done. Or at
least 95%. It shouldn't be easy to get distracted and sidetracked inside
a library.

I'm excited!

Oh! I actually studied for Physics yesterday. I read part of the
chapters and I got a lot down. It was my first time actually studying
for Physics.

I would have to say I absolutely ACED that test. I was one of the small
percentage of people who knew how to do the last problem on the test.
Everyone else skipped it after people complained about not knowing how
to do it and forcing the teacher to make it an extra credit problem.

Reading the book actually REALLY helps with the multiple choice. It was
my first time where I actually knew what answers to bubble in. It was no
longer a game of "eenie minie mo" or "intelligent guessing". HURRAH!

I am excited.