Monday, October 13, 2008


I wish I knew more people who were tech savvy. Things would be a lot
more interesting. But no.... I go to a school full of people who don't
know crap about anything. N0000BS. I'm not saying that I'm ultra super
tech-savvy but I am 100% sure I am more knowledgable than the average
kids at my school.

I am nothing compared to the asian kids over in west and gg like
CHILBIA. And she is YOUNGER THAN ME! *coughcoughcoughhackchoke*

The only things hb kids are good at is partying and sex. Well, our
school IS known for being the slutty druggy school.

You know how those stupidly retarded sec education books always say
"Studies say that not everyone in high school has sex. You aren't the
only one."

Well you are WRONG retard book. Everyone IS doing it nowadays. So STFU.
It's so annoying. Where did you get these statistics?! SOME CATHOLIC

I bet they're having sex too. So no.

If only the books were true.

Sigh sigh sigh. How the society is nowadays.

I'm disgusted.

It's not cool or sexy at all.

Get me out of here.

To a secret society where sex and drugs arn't the life and highlight of
our days and lives.