Monday, October 27, 2008

Future Career,

That I would pursue would be in the entertainment industry.

I don't really feel comfortable talking to people about it because a lot of people discourage it since it is an "unstable" career. But I don't need all of that negative crap. I KNOW that I am going to make it in this industry. No, if you people are wondering if I am going to strive to be an actress or singer etc. I am more of the behind the scenes extremely important person. Yes, that probably sounds arrogant and narcissistic but it's completely true. I LOVE controlling the pieces and elements of the production etc. The editors and producers are HUGE parts of the whole product be it film or music etc. Without those people the movie would just be of people standing in a blank background talking with crap quality and everything. You know? Like those extremely novice N00b13 McN00b N00b home videos that people make. Boring. Boring. Boring. Well atleast most of them. They are boring aesthetically. Some have some nice gut to it but the skin, ehhhh not appealing. It needs to be MORE APPEALING AND PLEASANT to ALL 5 human senses. Well, I don't really kow about taste and touch senses but you get what I mean. Perhaps it will effect somehow on your taste of certain things while you are watching and eating something? Or......... yeah. You get it.

But yes, I am extremely 100% confident.

I really do commend the people who actually pursue the careers that they WANT to pursue. And not the ones that give financial and materialistic stability and security.

Those people in my eyes, are the real successful people.

But you know what? Hey, if you want to go into some stable career go for it. It's your life.

There is no right or wrong answer.

Just how we are raised and the people we meet.

I grew up in a family of hardworkers who have financially stable careers and everything. I was raised to start seriously thinking about what kind of career I wanted to pursue starting my year in 5th/6th grade. I was really into the "business" category and I still am. But the passion does not equal to as much as my current one. Well anyway, after observing my parents and their jobs. It makes me not want to turn to such careers, because of all the stress and hate for their job. I mean the pros of it is the income you get but with money and no time for leisure what"s the point? Other than paying the bills. But hey, as what Schwab says "People buy things that that they don't need and that they don't have the money for."

It's nice to have materialistic goods but it's all for the show. If you really think about it, you buy expensive designer things to show off and bring attention. And I will have to admit, I like buying expensive things to show off. But I have learned that I don't need all of that.

As long as I am enjoying myself and living a life full of happiness and content it's all good. (Wow, do I sound like a hippie)

I want a job that I love and life that I will be extremely content and happy of.
Not a shitty hell hole of a job that I dread to come to every day and a life full of hate, worries and stress.

There WILL be obstacles into getting the things you want but it will all be worth it in the end.

In the end,both paths you'd have to work hard. (Unless you want to be a bum slumming away in the streets.)

But which path do you want to choose?

May the force be with you. (MMK. SORRY GUYS. I just really had to put that in somewhere. STAR WARS FTW)

Oh and f.y.i. I am going to get a bachelor's degree in "Business" as my premise because if you think about it, everything is built upon a business. Afterwards I'd enroll in a certain vocational school. And gain knowledge about certain things and then out I come into society!

Successful & Happy 100%!

You will all see.