Friday, October 31, 2008

English Prep Class,

Today was extremely interesting.
We talked about interesting and somewhat controversial things. Subject
this week was "Online Dating". I had a thought about it at first but
then after our discussion I was absolutely confused.

I am not confused with my opinions about online relationships, but I was
confused with online identity and real life identity.
It gets really confusing and everything but yeah. Sure guys, it sounds
pretty simple and concrete and everything but once you really go into
it's depth it's confusing. Well atleast, to me it is confusing. I am not
really in the mood to really go into depth with it but maybe later if I
really feel like it.

Well anyway, in my english prep class Andrew (I think that's the
teacher's name?) but yeah, anyway, he made us free write nonstop,
literally nonstop about online dating for 10 minutes. It sounded really
easy but boy, was I wrong. I was confused in the begining a bit. But I
got the ball rolling (kinda) after the second half minute. My hand
started to get writer's cramp from all of the non stop writing it was
crazy. And I was afraid to stop writing because if I did Andrew would
add 5 more minutes to our free writing time. I was pretty surprised of
what I wrote especially in the beginning I was like huh??! Was that
really what I was thinking about subconciously? Or is it just how I
start out with everything. Well here's what I said "I think internet
dating is interesting but strange" or atleast some thing of the sort. I
don't mean interesting as in I would do that, but I mean as in like I
find the actual subject of it interesting. Well anyway, when we wrote
our freewrites we have to write exactly what we were thinking of. As in
no stopping whatsoever. so like if we find that we are stopping and
think "I don't know what to write." We have to literally put that down
on our paper.

I will type up my freewrite later on and post it for anyone who's

But as a warning I am not a very good writer and I realized that I say
"like" a lot. Like a lot. Like that. And like blah blah blah. And like
yeah. Yeah.... I said "like" so many times that it's crazy. A friend of
mine noticed that also, back when I was blogging like 3-4 years ago.
Because back when I first started to blog, I would rant non stop. So I
guess that was the same as freewriting. Because I actually put "I don't
know what to say." "I'm bored." Etcetera etcetera.

But yes, I guess I will post up a clipping of one of my past posts from
my old blogging site. Hilarious stuff. I sounded like an immature and
annoying little girl. ++ I would usually rant or blog when I was angry.
Hahaha. Crazy crazy stuff.

I am pretty sure my blogging nowadays has definately matured and evolved
from it's primative furious immaturity.

Anyways, todays class was extremely interesting. It made me think about
lots of things and has shone light on things that I never really noticed
or touched. I also found a good method to find good points to write my

I'm really liking this class. It improves not only my writing abiltiess
but also enlightens my mind about personal things and I learn about
economics too! All of this in a very entertaining and un-boring way.

But seriously, I think I am the only one who talks in the class these
past 2 weeks because the other talkative people are absent. It was only
my sister and this other kid and they are BOTH quiet. =__= I'm telling
them to speak up and talk more and my sister actually attempts to talk
but the other kid does otherwise. Makes me mad and irritates me because
I want to hear about others opinions and get a good discussion going on
and NOT be the only one having to answer the teacher's questions. Sigh
sigh sigh.

Other than that, what good day today.

Learning new things! Hurrah!