Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Attitude,

Towards everyone nowadays.
I feel kind of mean. But not really.

I've been feeling kind of eh.
Don't feel like Sugar Coating things to people.
Don't feel like taking my time to make things sound nicer than how they
really are.

Oh boy. Am I going to be hated on.
But hey, you can't have everybody loving you.
Gotta add some haters to the whole formula & equation.
That's just how life rolls.

I also just noticed, that I don't look up to you.
I know you don't read this because I never told you I had a blog. But
yeah. I don't look up to you anymore.

I lost my respect for you.
I don't like how you are.
I finally opened my eyes.

I feel more superior than you.


I feel different. Feeling kind of serious.


Got some? Need some? Want some?