Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alex + Carrot Cake,

Since we didn't know what to do yesterday, I brought up the idea of baking a carrot cake.
Originally it was suppose to be banana muffins, but Alex can't eat banananananaanas.

((Oh yeah! I'm blogging by my CPU. I rarely do. It's nice once in a while though.
Get to post quality pictures instead of cruddy sidekick quality camera pictures.))

Well! We had to grate like a bajfkdlsjillllion carrots. To fill 3 cups.
Alex said I sucked at carrot grating. I didn't have a firm enough grip and that I was too afraid.
I got hit the grater i think around 2 or 3 times. ALEX HIT IS 2 TIMES.

Alex has a thing for sharp objects. YOU DANGEROUS BOY. NO PLAYING WITH KNIVES.

I was doing most of the work while Alex was watching House. Although he did a good job whenever he did something. SOOOO I guess that makes up for it. I think he grated more carrots than I did. My mother grated the last couple of carrots. 2 or 3? Dunnno. But yeah.

BWHAHAAH. Sirectv sabotaged Alex's viewing of House. GASP!!

*spoiler alert*

Cutner was MURDERED!?!??! & IT WAS SUICIDE?!

Anyway, so we wait for the carrot cake to finish. I FINALLY found my headphones & DVD that I bought a month ago. GRRR. I was looking for it ALL OVER the place and turns out it fell into the cracks of the hi-fi stereos. LAME. But yes. I FOUND IT.

Anyway, so I bought this DVD called "Catch Me If You Can". Great movie, I'd like to add. GREAT GREAT GREAT MOVIE. I think I am going to read the book.

I love movies about frauds and sly deception. Like the James Bond & Oceans series.
Not like I'd be kleptomaniacs like those people or anything......

No srsly.

ANYWAY, the cake was soon done. It tasted grose. I blame the lack of sugar cane sugar and brown sugar. My mother told me to use Xylitol instead. BLEHHHHH. So nasty. So nasty.

It tastes like bread. ~_~ NOT SUGARY ENOUGH. I should've added more sugar like Alex suggested. But I thought it was enough since seriously. 2 CUPS of SUGAR?! THATS SO MUCH!!

Should've known to add more since it was XYLITOL I was using.
Never use Xylitol in foods that I have never had experience in making. =_=

Oh well, I learned from my mistakes.

Well, the carrot cake smells good, but doesn't taste good. Oh wellz.

I put some pink icing on mine because carrot cake usually icing on it. I didn't have white icing so whatevahz. It all tastes the same. It was okay'ish with the icing. Still not sugary enough.

Then we continued to watch the movie. We had some alone time. But we decided to be good kids.


Then after that, GH & Xiu decided to come over downstairs and steal our TV and watch "Slumdog Millionaire". Which isn't a bad movie. But yeah. INVADING OUR PERSONAL TIME TOGETHER! It's okie. Because we got them back by our non-stop commentary of the movie.

I almost choked and squirt water out of my noise when Alex said,
"This is why I hate India, you push little kids off trains because they try to get a bit food."

Something along those line. All I know is that, IT WAS THE MOST HILARIOUS THING EVER.

Soon, it was time for Alex to go home, since it was around 10:30PM and his daddy called.

Yesterday was a good day! I want some AVNlasgna please.

&& I need to make you omeletterice someday.


Or atleast, to me it is.