Saturday, January 3, 2009


For some reason, I cannot sleep.

I'm awake. & I lied on my previous blog about being finished with my
book. I wrote that early because I thought I'd finish the book but, I
was so close to finishing but I fell asleep. But that post kept me
motivated to finish my book so it won't seem so much that I lied.

But yes, I finished. I want to read more. I haven't finished a book in a
long while. I always start and get to the middle but never actually
finish till the end. Sigh. Bad Bad. I need to finish more books. I want
to go to the library.

I think I'm going to educate myself now in the language of mandarin. I
swear, China is going to take over the world or at least most of it.
They have like half of the population of the world. Or at least.... I
think half? Well, if not half, they have A LOT Of the Earth's

Tata for now!