Thursday, March 19, 2009


When working in a group I would usually be the boss because I am
embedded with skills of being bossy, a more nicer and aesthetically
pleasing word a.k.a. "Leadership".

I noticed recently, ever since my cold war magazine group project. That
I like to boss people around. Most people already deem me as the boss of
the group. Mainly because they can trust me with the responsibility of
getting things down. It's a lot of work.

I am quite bossy and it might seem that I am bitchy but it is only for
the good and benefit of them though.

I realized as I was doing most of the "Map" for Huck Finn that I hate
lazy people. I hate working with people I can't depend on and are lazy.
I have a great hatred for them. They won't got far in life.

Everyone in my family thinks I'm lazy. I'm not lazy.
It's just they do everything and I might as well take advantage of it.
If they were to just leave me home alone with some money. I am very sure
that I can survive.

My mother always complains about that if she wasn't there, I'd be dead.
No no no. Wrong. I am very capable of caring for myself. I'm more
independent than dependent. Sure, I am forgetful sometimes but that
doesn't mean that it'd kill me.

I hope the mystical teller woman assured my mother about my dependency.
She told my mother that "I would be fine by myself and that I am capable
of taking care of me. No need to worry about her."

I agree. Believe in me.