Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cat Soup,

( ねこぢる草)

I thought this movie was quite trippy.
Some argue whether this movie had any meaning to it or not.
And that people can interpret it however they see it.

I believe I saw some symbolism in this movie.

In the movie, it seemed as though it was so easy to just create and destroy life.
The ending was somewhat kind of confusing to me. But I THINK I got it after awhile.
In the end the whole family except the little boy disappeared, as if they were part of a movie, or the tv. They flicked off, like how a tv would switch off.
And since, all of the events that occured were impossible in real life.
The cats and the whole story represented a whole illusion, just like how movies are.
Life is never like the movies.

I think it's also somewhat a satire to the creation of the world and God (a higher being).

But yeah, that's just me. It can be interpreted more differently.

I never thought I was able to interpret movies or anything.
I always thought of things as exactly what they were.
I never looked for the deeper meaning behind things.

But my friend who recommended this movie to me, told me it was a symbolic movie.
So I guess, I looked for it and I found what it meant to me.

This was a pretty good movie. Unexpectedly gory also.
I love the animation and art style.
Also how the cats didn't speak.
Everyone in the whole movie squeaked or made little noise.
I like how there was no dialogue in this whole movie.
Except for the occasional word bubbles.

Great movie.