Monday, December 22, 2008


I truly do enjoy helping a person in the time of need or crisis. I never
expect anything back. Them feeling better and happy is all I need to
satisfy me. But damn, when I am rewarded, it's something of great


I have gained yet another high and powerful ally today.

Good for me. By the time I am an adult, I will be rolling with them
peeps of power. I don't want to sound conceited or anything but I
connect with them more.

You just gotta network with the right people. Yeah know?

Sure, I will listen to everyone no matter who or what they are. But I
never really connect with all of them. They are the ones who usually
connect with me. But it's a one sided thing. I don't mind. I am glad to
be of their assistance. I don't like it when people are sad. But yes.

I don't want to sound narcisstic or conceited or stuck up or anything
but, I don't roll with losers. No, I don't mean by losers as in the
people that society stereotypically defines and labels as losers. Those
people will be the people who fucking dominate society in the coming

Anyway, I am usually not close with anybody who arn't going to amount to
anything in the future. They ALL will amount to something of
significance. I can just feel it. If you are a close friend of mine or
at least most of you, you know that you are quite something because I
don't get close with quitters or lazy bums. I don't want them to infect
me with their bad energy.

Damn energy vampires. You could all go to hell and spread your
negativity and crap there. Even though doing so won't do you any good.
But hey! It's your choice.

It's funny when people I know stumble onto this blog. Gets kind of
awkward too. Because I talk about them all the time. I just don't use
names. I just rant rant rant. And it feels so good to do so. I'd hate
for anyone from school to read my stuff. They shall see my real self.

I will forever remain the goodie two shoe little girl that everyone
loves. RIGHT?! Right.


I like dancing to womanizer in the bathroom after a nice refreshing

I can't wait for morning. I'm going to hop on the computer and play for
a bit. Watch some you tube videos. Then probably get some exercise or
something. Shii might come over. Yes?

Fun fun. I shall be improving myself this winter break. I get to
practice on some skills I have been waiting to acquire!

Knowledge. Knowledge. Knowledge.

It's great to have a lot of skills during a time like this. Ima be
extremely flexible and ambiguous in the future. It opens up many doors
towards even more opportunity.

Success. Success. Success.