Sunday, December 27, 2009

Alex Sickie + Checkers,

Picked up Alex from his house and revealed to him that I got a haircut!
He didn't believe it at first and thought I had a trick up my sleeve
where I still had long hair at the back! But bwahaahaha I DIDN'T!

I cut my hair just for you baby boo~! <3

And I definitely look a LOT better with this style.

We went to Thang Long cuz Alex was really hungry.
Had our usual. Ate and left. Then we went over to Tea Zone and loitered
around in it. It was too cold to be waiting outside.

Then I decided to take pictures of Alex outside!
For my photo assignment. My sexy sexy baby.
Oh yeah, Alex looked handsome in his new shirt today!

So we go to my house. And I give my present to him.
He thinks the shirt I got him was gay. D:< ITS NOT GAY!
IT'S SUPER SEXY! I will be sad if you no wear it to school. ;_;

Then we watched Paper Hearts. It was a pretty lame movie.
Although, they have some interesting points in it. But still, overall..
It wasn't to good. Pretty boring. Perhaps I should re-watch because I
wasn't paying attention to it 100%.

Alex make me do the signal!
It's so embarrassing and awkwardd!!
Makes me feel like some kind of animal!! LOL
But I will get used to it! Kekeke..
And do it all da tiems for you.

Found out Alex's ear is sensitive spot. <3

I be falling asleep and Alex would wrestle me and make me wake up!
Because supposedly if I fall asleeep, I will get infected by Alex's
coughing sickness! And Alex didn't want me getting sick! So caring!<3

Alex and I made food because he was hungry! We didn't have much to cook
with at home... So we made egg omellete spam thingy with soy sauce and

We played checkers twice! The first time, I totally failed.
But the second time. Was amazing. I WON FOR THE FIRST TIME! (But only
because he helped me win by giving me lots of tips and pointers) BUT
STILL! It's a start! I shall become CHECKERZZZZ MASTARR! 8D

It was sexy watching and listening to Alex as he taught me how to play!
I love it whenever you teach me things. And when you turn onto : serious
mode. *______* <3 I has gained great checkers knowledge from you today!
Reigning checkerz master! One day, the grasshopper will surpass you....

Then we watched the telly and then Shrek and I lay on top of Alex's
side/tummy. So so comfy. <3 I want to snuggle and cuddle some more!!
Delicious body warmth.. *____*

Then Alex had to go home!
We take him home!

My mama got lost'ish in his gmama's neighborhood cuz we didn't know
where his gmama's house was! I can't believe you can navigate through
that place Alex! Everythinggg loooks the sammmme! Dx


I'm happy I got to spend so much time with you during this break.